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- global KapiList, currentlevel, gMarker, gZoom, vbFenster, MIAWfenster, gBasis, oThema, gThema_0, gThema_1, gThema_2, gThema_3, gThema_4, gThema_5, gThema_6, gThema_7, gThema_8, gThema_9, vbThema_i, vbThema_1, vbThema_2, vbThema_3, gPfad, oMarker, Bsx, gHtxt, zoomListe, lupe, lernfilm, vtmarker, gplayed, gErklaer
- on prepareMovie
- set lernfilm to "LT010"
- xrayweg()
- repeat with j = 107 to 113
- set the visible of sprite j to 0
- end repeat
- set the member of sprite 101 to member 14 of castLib "klappe"
- repeat with j = 95 to 98
- set the visible of sprite j to 0
- end repeat
- set the member of sprite 94 to member 11 of castLib "klappe"
- set the visible of sprite 106 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 115 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 116 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 92 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 119 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 18 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 90 to 0
- set gHtxt to 0
- set KapiList to ["BM010", "BM011", "BM012", "BM013", "BM014", "BM015", "BM016", "BM017", "BM018", "BM019"]
- set the keyDownScript to "leaveme"
- set gThema_0 to "Power stations / Energy (From fire to the wind farm)"
- set gThema_1 to "Battery"
- set gThema_2 to "Incandescent lamp"
- set gThema_3 to "Generator"
- set gThema_4 to "Internal combustion engine"
- set gThema_5 to "Electric motor"
- set gThema_6 to "Combustion power station"
- set gThema_7 to "Nuclear power station"
- set gThema_8 to "Hydroelectric power station"
- set gThema_9 to "Summary"
- set oThema to gThema_0
- set oMarker to "BM010"
- set gBasis to the movieName
- set the visible of sprite 105 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 0
- if gPfad > 0 then
- set the windowType of window "TourMenu" to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window "TourMenu"
- set wintop to the stageTop + 392
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 13
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window "TourMenu" to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- moveToFront(window "Tourmenu")
- end if
- end
- on xrayweg
- repeat with i = 29 to 32
- set the visible of sprite i to 0
- end repeat
- set the constraint of sprite 29 to 32
- set the constraint of sprite 30 to 32
- set the constraint of sprite 31 to 32
- repeat with i = 41 to 48
- set the visible of sprite i to 1
- end repeat
- repeat with x = 54 to 80
- set the visible of sprite x to 1
- end repeat
- end
- on startMovie
- set Bsx to 2
- set the mouseDownScript to "myprimary"
- set the volumeLevel of sprite(6) to currentlevel * 51
- end
- on myprimary
- if gPfad > 0 then
- set the windowList to [window "Tourmenu", window "Sound"]
- moveToFront(window "Tourmenu")
- else
- set the windowList to [window "Sound"]
- end if
- set the visible of window "Sound" to 0
- set the visible of sprite 18 to 0
- set the loc of sprite 18 to point(-1000, -1000)
- if the visible of sprite 104 = 1 then
- go(#loop)
- end if
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 0
- set the visible of sprite 102 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 103 to 1
- set the visible of sprite 119 to 0
- updateStage()
- if gZoom = 1 then
- puppetSound(3, "zoom_back")
- end if
- set gZoom to 0
- puppetSound(1, 0)
- end
- on stopMovie
- forget(window "Vplayer")
- end
- on videoFenster
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- puppetSound(3, "zoom")
- set gZoom to 1
- tell window "Vplayer"
- videowechsel()
- end tell
- tell window "Vplayer"
- startup()
- end tell
- set the windowType of window "Vplayer" to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window "Vplayer"
- set wintop to the stageTop + 22
- set winleft to the stageLeft
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window "Vplayer" to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window "Vplayer")
- tell window "Vplayer"
- set the movieRate of sprite 6 to 1
- end tell
- end
- on MIAW├╢ffnen
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- updateStage()
- if gPfad > 0 then
- set the windowList to [window "Tourmenu", window "Sound"]
- moveToFront(window "Tourmenu")
- else
- set the windowList to [window "Sound"]
- end if
- set the windowType of window MIAWfenster to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window MIAWfenster
- set wintop to the stageTop + 78
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 80
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window MIAWfenster to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window MIAWfenster)
- end
- on Sound├╢ffnen
- if gPfad > 0 then
- set the windowList to [window "Tourmenu", window "Sound"]
- moveToFront(window "Tourmenu")
- else
- set the windowList to [window "Sound"]
- end if
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- updateStage()
- set the windowType of window MIAWfenster to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window MIAWfenster
- set wintop to the stageTop + 492
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 2
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window MIAWfenster to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window MIAWfenster)
- end
- on HILFE├╢ffnen
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- updateStage()
- set the windowType of window MIAWfenster to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window MIAWfenster
- set wintop to the stageTop + 493
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 2
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window MIAWfenster to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window MIAWfenster)
- end
- on vFenster
- if vtmarker <> VOID then
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- puppetSound(3, "zoom")
- set gZoom to 1
- set the windowType of window vbFenster to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window vbFenster
- set wintop to the stageTop + 22
- set winleft to the stageLeft
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window vbFenster to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- tell window vbFenster
- go(vtmarker)
- end tell
- open(window vbFenster)
- end if
- end
- on SucheFenster
- set the visible of sprite 104 to 1
- puppetSound(3, "zoom")
- set gZoom to 1
- set the windowType of window vbFenster to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window vbFenster
- set wintop to the stageTop + 200
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 290
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window vbFenster to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window vbFenster)
- end
- on VB├╢ffnen
- if gPfad > 0 then
- set the windowList to [window "Tourmenu", window "Sound"]
- moveToFront(window "Tourmenu")
- else
- set the windowList to [window "Sound"]
- end if
- set the windowType of window "vbMenu" to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window "vbMenu"
- set wintop to the stageTop + 479
- set winleft to the stageLeft + 390
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window "vbMenu" to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- tell window "vbMenu"
- set the text of member "vb_1" to vbThema_1
- end tell
- tell window "vbMenu"
- set the text of member "vb_2" to vbThema_2
- end tell
- tell window "vbMenu"
- set the text of member "vb_i" to vbThema_i
- end tell
- open(window "vbMenu")
- end
- on leaveme
- if (the commandDown and ((the key = "q") or (the key = "."))) or (the keyCode = 53) then
- puppetSound(3, "klick")
- go(1, "Abspann")
- end if
- end
- on kapitel├╢ffnen
- set the windowType of window "Kapitel" to 2
- set startrect to the drawRect of window "Kapitel"
- set wintop to the stageTop + 472
- set winleft to the stageLeft
- set winright to winleft + getAt(startrect, 3)
- set winbottom to wintop + getAt(startrect, 4)
- set the rect of window "Kapitel" to rect(winleft, wintop, winright, winbottom)
- open(window "Kapitel")
- end
- on idle
- if (the timer > 60) and (gplayed = 0) then
- startTimer()
- set gplayed to 1
- if not soundBusy(3) then
- if the movieRate of sprite 6 = 0 then
- playSprech()
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end
- on playSprech
- startTimer()
- puppetSound(3, gErklaer)
- startTimer()
- end